I’m Anna.

And it’s my mission to teach you how to live Sovereignly, Unapologetically & with RADICAL Self-Love.

Are you ready to remember how to live your boldest, most aligned most extraordinary life?

Well, it all starts here.

And it’s my mission to teach you how to live Sovereignly, Unapologetically & with RADICAL Self-Love.

Are you ready to remember how to live your boldest, most aligned most extraordinary life?

Well, it all starts here ↠

Do you know deeply who you are?

You know, the woman you were BORN to be, before the world told you who to be?

You have landed here for a reason, and I believe I know what that reason is. You have a deep knowing you were born for greatness and purpose, you just can’t quite remember how to step up, speak up and show up. And here at in the Anna-Rose world, that’s exactly what I am here to help you uncover.

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Work with Me 

I truly believe I was put on this earth, in this lifetime because I chose to be here in THIS time in history, and I believe that you did too. You see, my mission in life that keeps me up at night, that wakes me up early, and energies me with life force like I can't quite ever articulate, is to help YOU remember who the fuck you are. To create the spaces & containers with proximity of power to me helping you step into becoming the woman you were born to be. The woman who lives Sovereignly, Unapologetically & with RADICAL Self-Love. I do that with 3 offerings. You can be a part of my 3 x a year intake of Self-Love School, you can purchase 3 of those modules independently right now (below), or you can invest in my NFT Collection (coming soon) as a woman who Earns & invests like she Loves herself.  

I'm ready for this.

Work with Me 

I truly believe I was put on this earth, in this lifetime because I chose to be here in THIS time in history, and I believe that you did too. You see, my mission in life that keeps me up at night, that wakes me up early, and energies me with life force like I can't quite ever articulate, is to help YOU remember who the fuck you are. To create the spaces & containers with proximity of power to me helping you step into becoming the woman you were born to be. The woman who lives Sovereignly, Unapologetically & with RADICAL Self-Love. I do that with 3 offerings. You can be a part of my 3 x a year intake of Self-Love School, you can purchase 3 of those modules independently right now (below), or you can invest in my NFT Collection (coming soon) as a woman who Earns & invests like she Loves herself.  

I'm ready for this.

Earn like you Love Yourself

Ready to re-write your entire Money belief system, welcome in a new level of abundance, learn the 5 core principles of Wealth & how to start investing in the Share Mark aet, both on a micro & macro level? Then this mini course is for you.


Speak like you Love Yourself

You've spent your life putting yourself down consciously or subconsciously & you're fundamentally ready to change all of that. So when the question is asked, 'and if I asked you to list all the things you love,' you can name yourself first .. instead of never.


Think like you Love Yourself

You're ready to stop the negative stories you replay from sometimes the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep & train your brain instead to default to empowering loving thoughts about yourself & the world you've always wanted to think.


Self-Love School

My signature 8 week program that is here to help you re-claim ALL of yourself, unearthing your courage & coaching you back to your power to help you step up, speak out and show up and live in-to your ultimate purpose in life.


Earn like you Love Yourself

Ready to re-write your entire Money belief system, welcome in a new level of abundance, learn the 5 core principles of Wealth & how to start investing in the Share Mark aet, both on a micro & macro level? Then this mini course is for you.


Speak like you Love Yourself

You've spent your life putting yourself down consciously or subconsciously & you're fundamentally ready to change all of that. So when the question is asked, 'and if I asked you to list all the things you love,' you can name yourself first .. instead of never.


Think like you Love Yourself

You're ready to stop the negative stories you replay from sometimes the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep & train your brain instead to default to empowering loving thoughts about yourself & the world you've always wanted to think.


Self-Love School

My signature 8 week program that is here to help you re-claim ALL of yourself, unearthing your courage & coaching you back to your power to help you step up, speak out and show up and live in-to your ultimate purpose in life.


Listen to what I'm up to via the podcast.

Listen Now

Watch what Anna is up to via Youtube.

Watch Now
Self Love School

Be the first in the know for when Self-Love School opens its doors so you can secure one of the exclusive limited spots.

Self-Love School has 3 in-takes a year, I open cart & close cart a week later, then we all kick off on the cellularly transformative 8 weeks together. If you want to be on the VIP list to make sure you get early access before I open it up to my social media, put your details in the box and you’ll go on my VIP list. All my VIP list also receive my 4-page free PDF on
“25 self-care practices that can change your life”.

Anna Richards

If you’re here, I know you are. I know you have felt the calling, it might have been a whisper or a yell so loud from your soul you can’t ignore it anymore, but you know you are ready to become the woman you have always dreamed of becoming. It’s time for you to speak up, step up and show up as YOU. To do that though, you have to know who ‘you’ are, and that beautiful one all begins and ends with Self-Love.

Begin your journey back to self here.

Are you ready to become the woman you were born to be?

If you’re here, I know you are. I know you have felt the calling, it might have been a whisper or a yell so loud from your soul you can’t ignore it anymore, but you know you are ready to become the woman you have always dreamed of becoming. It’s time for you to speak up, step up and show up as YOU. To do that though, you have to know who ‘you’ are, and that beautiful one all begins and ends with Self-Love.

Begin your journey back to self here.
Transformations & life changing doesn’t even begin to describe my last 8 weeks. It’s how it’s broken down in to week by week that builds on to the next. I felt empowered & in charge every single day knowing the work to be focused on for myself, which has turned in to my new life long (life changing) habits.”



Every single week I sit down and pour my heart out to my beloved email list about what's going on in my life and business. I call it my weekly therapy sessions where sometimes it will feel like you're reading my private diary. In it though, you'll always pick up my own lessons along the way but this list is also always where everything gets shared .. first. So if you ever want to be the first to know when Self-Love School has an intake or when my NFT is dropping, get your name on the list girlfriend.


Over 90,000 downloads, 56 shows, 160+ 5-star reviews and the best of the best guests (when I know they will serve you) delivering their best-kept secrets, served piping hot. The anything goes podcast is ready for your binge-listening pleasure! All are welcome. 

“I have found peace in ways I didn’t think was possible. I have been able to deconstruct my old stories, let them go and have created space for new ones that already are serving me better. Self-Love School has honestly changed my life and from the bottom of my heart I will be forever grateful. Thank you Anna!!”


Self-love school was my GPS to embodiment. The hardest part about imitating a transformation is knowing where to start. Surrendering to the “how-to
method of SLS removed all the overthinking and gave me the framework and freedom to discover who I want to be - and love her unconditionally.


Since starting this course I can’t even tell you the breakthroughs I have had. Think and Eat like you love yourself we’re 2 life changing weeks for me. My inner dialogue is incredible! My body and mind communicate with each other other like best friends and writing my letter of forgiveness was one of the most profound moments of my life. Self-Love School provided the container for me to grow into the woman I always knew I was born to be, & I’ll be forever grateful I said yes. 


Self love school changed me. It changed the way I live my life in every aspect, and it also allowed me to unforced me and expose all the power I have in me. Thank you Anna, from the bottom of my heart, for helping me grow, for helping me love myself like I never knew I could. Because this is exactly what I needed, because this is exactly what I needed, because I AM worthy of having it all.