Hey Beautiful one,

I know why you’re here.

Maybe you can’t quite put your finger on it yet, but I can. 

There is something inside you that tells you, that’s always told you,

“There’s a purpose for me here on Earth.”

For as long as you can remember, you’ve felt this internal magic, a spark inside of you, you’re just unsure how to uncover and release it.

You have this niggling feeling, a pull and yearning of knowing there is so much more to this one magnificent life, you just don’t know what that is yet.

And You KNOW you were born with wings, you just haven’t learnt to fly.

Here at the Self-Love School we teach you to fly.


Hey Beautiful one,

I know why you’re here.

Maybe you can’t quite put your finger on it yet, but I can. 

There is something inside you that tells you, that’s always told you,

“There’s a purpose for me here on Earth.”

For as long as you can remember, you’ve felt this internal magic, a spark inside of you, you’re just unsure how to uncover and release it.

You have this niggling feeling, a pull and yearning of knowing there is so much more to this one magnificent life, you just don’t know what that is yet.

And You KNOW you were born with wings, you just haven’t learnt to fly.

Here at the Self-Love School we teach you to fly.



You’re at a point in your life where you know you have an unstoppable force within, you just can’t quite seem to uncover ‘it’ …yet.

You know deep in your soul, that now is your time, that you’re ready to play a bigger game in life, you’re just missing the courage to step up, speak out and show up.

You feel this deep yearning that there’s more to this life you have been gifted – but you’re still on the quest to find that juicy life purpose so many of those books you have read talk about.

And you’re done living the same exact year over & over and calling that a life.

You’re ready to live your life in full colour.


That was me too. And I’m here to remind you, that you’re not broken or born for mediocracy.

You’re brilliant & a masterpiece. You have just forgotten along the way.

But did you want to know the lesson I learned over a decade ago that changed my life forever?

Your mind and soul are incapable of peace & finding that purpose when your body is battling for survival.

And that big life purpose you’re still so hungry to uncover?

Well here’s your breath out as I remind you of your most fundamental truth.


But it is physically, energetically & spiritually impossible to do when your mind is stretched, your body is spent & your soul is starving.

Billions of years have come before you, and billions more years will come after you. YOU decided to be here at this time, & I don’t believe there is any coincidence to that.


This period in our history needs you in your power & potency.

There wasn’t anything out there though to help you do just that, to guide you as you remember who you were born to be, not who society has conditioned you to be. I was on the hunt to find the sacred space online that wasn’t just going to teach you to calm your mind, energise your body & nourish your soul, but create the Sisterhood to go along with it. The space and ‘school’ just didn’t exist.


So I created it.

What is Self-love School?

Self-love School is an online training for women who are ready to re-claim ALL of themselves, teaching the confidence & uncovering your courage to help you step up, speak out and show up and live in-to your ultimate purpose in life…

Being YOU. In full unapologetic bright Technicolour.

It’s the space you learn to claim your brilliance in all its radiance.

And let me remind you again, your mind & soul are incapable of peace & finding purpose when your body is battling for survival.

The Self-Love School is here to help you find peace in your mind & soul & allow your body to go from surviving, to thriving by teaching you in 8-weeks, through an interactive online learning program the integral pillars and habits in elevating and optimising your mind, body and soul.

You’ll be provided the essential tools through weekly video coaching from me, alongside a powerful, comprehensive and action based workbook which lays out your habit forming plan, to support you in becoming the ultimate YOU.

This isn’t a drastic ‘rip your life apart & piece it back together again’ course. They are both unrealistic & unsustainable.

This is the course where you get to take a breathe out, as you learn little by little, day by day– the identity based habits and ways of learning to love yourself unconditionally.

In a global movement, I bring you the first ever Self-Love School. There is no other SELF-LOVE SCHOOL out there.

“She remembered who she was and the game changed”.

No matter what the last few years have looked like for you, I know that 2023 is the year you will take flight and there will be nothing to stop you from soaring.

And you know it too.

You just need the gentle reminding of who you are, the powerful structure & help of crafting life changing habits & the supportive community like no other.

And that’s why I created the Self-Love School.


When does Self-love School Start?

Self-Love School's cart opens again to welcome in Class 6 on Sunday 12th February 2022 at 7:00am AEST, and closes 7 days later at midnight on Sunday February 19th. 'Class begins' as of 7am AEST Monday February 20th, and will run for 8 weeks straight, with new modules dropping every SUNDAY 7am AEST.

How Does it Work

Each week, you’ll receive an in-depth online video training and content to read, watch and hear.

In addition to having the weekly videos & downloadable workbooks to guide you daily in each week, you will receive 2 x weekly points of contact from me (Anna) via email to ensure you’re staying on track and doing what you promised yourself you would – the work!

You can then access the content from wherever you are, whenever you like.


Every Tuesday, 7:30PM AEST you also have access to a LIVE Q&A Coaching call with me to not only ask me questions for that specific week, or any weeks prior, but also have me as an open book coach who will spot coach any questions you want or need me to answer / help you with. 

Can't make it? THAT'S OK! The recording of that live is uploaded into your private Log-In Section within 24 hours.


9 weeks of Self-Love.


  • The week before the work, but what you learn even in this week alone will form the basis of all the rest of your identity based habits to come.
  • This is the week you set both your internal and external environment up, both in starting the mindset work with commitment affirmations, declaration to yourself contract and goal setting. But also, creating a schedule for the next 8 weeks ahead to find the space to prioritise the work to come.
  • This is the week you create your North Star of new thought patters and get them up visually around the house (all provided in your workbooks!)


  • THE most important exercise to kick off a transforming 8 weeks; forgiving yourself. You can’t move forward with this bold new life if you keep hanging on to the stories of your past. It’s time to forgive & release & I coach you on how to do that.
  • Now you have released what might hold you back, it’s then all about creating the new story of how worthy you are & the life you are READY to live.
  • Creating affirmations that will become your new mindset to work on DAILY until they become your REALITY.
  • And more…


  • Helping you re-learn how to NOURISH not punish your body & rewiring your mindset to move for mental health (not for physicality).
  • Helping you craft a habit of movement YOU love and cultivating it as a daily habit for you.
  • Teaching you the habit of getting up & go’ing in the morning & how to control your morning, to control your life.
  • And more…


  • This week it’s all about helping you re-wire your mindset to deeply know, that there is no such thing as bad food, only bad habits.
  • I also dive deep on helping you fall back in love with eating ALL things (kicking depravations ass) & learning how you can be BOTH – be healthy but enjoy (the shit out of) balance without having to smash the scales or let go of how you look & feel (both actual important components to overall well-being)
  • And more…


  • This is the week we dive deep on your emotional guidance system & I teach you how it’s not about learning to go from completely negative to positive in an instant but moving yourself up the emotional guidance system.
  • This is the week I teach that your natural state is joy & abundance & well-being & the thoughts and words to speak over your life daily to allow more of that in.
  • Creating habits around speaking life and power over your life.
  • And more…


  • Un-covering your money mindset & re wiring it for abundance & success.
  • Turning your money limitations into your new money (success) story.
  • Empowering you to know money in women’s hands – changes the world and it’s safe for you to earn it, and you’re worthy of it.
  • Teaching you my 5 core principles (and steps to take) for wealth creation.
  • And more …


  • Teaching you the difference between Self-Love v Self-Care (& why both are vitally important).
  • Empowering you to give the world the BEST of you – not the crumbs of you.
  • Creating a self-care morning ritual that changes your life (*this alone is worth the 8 week course).
  • And more…


  • Where I help you piece all these critical pieces of the self-love puzzle together. It’s all well and good to have been focusing on each individual piece but this is the week I integrate you embodying the self-love ideology in your everyday life. Every day, 365 days of the year.

The online Self-Love School is hosted behind a log in that you get to set up once you have purchased the course, and you get immediate access to set up your log-in and the welcome module once you have secured your spot.

You’ll be supported by weekly video content and online group mentoring sessions with a weekly downloadable workbook for that week to focus on the ethos for that week.

You’ll also have access to a closed group where you can ask personalised questions and will be supported by other like-minded beauties & a Sisterhood like no else, who also want to change their lives in the best possible way.

Here’s the kicker though, Self-love School only accepts ONLY 100 placements maximum.

This keeps our Sisterhood loving, intimate, exclusive and supportive. You know you’ll be getting the attention that your mind, body and soul have deserved all along, alongside like-minded souls who are ready for real change.

Do you feel exhausted, both physically and mentally?

Have you tried to change a part of you (physically or mentally or financially) for years and always seem to fall back in to your old ways of being and doing?

Would you like to embrace change but have no idea what you genuinely want out of life?

Are you tired of the rat race, the ground hog day and the financial treadmill you’re on, but you simply don’t know how to implement change?

Have you spent years feeling the same way and can’t even remember a time when you felt full of energy and jumped out of bed?

Self-love School isn’t for the faint- hearted. It’s a no-fluff, no-bs approach to FINALLY getting the life you’ve always wanted.

This course is for you if you are truly ready to create the IDENTITY of a woman who loves herself, creates habits that support that new identity and for women who are ready to show up, speak up and step up more in their lives.

Self-love School is for You if:

✔ You’re open & ready to change.

✔ You want to live a life of zero guilt.

✔ You want to eat better, move better, think better, earn better, feel better, do better, live better.

✔ You never want diet or count a calorie again.

✔ You want to love yourself but you’re not even sure what that means or what it looks like.

✔ You’ve tried and tested every angle of health and wellbeing and nothing seems to stick.

✔ You recognise that your body is a home without walls, an oasis that should be treated as such. You just have no idea where to begin.

✔ You want to be fully engaged in your relationships, play with your children and communicate better with your partner whilst not draining yourself in doing so.

✔ Importantly, you want to communicate better with yourself.

✔ You are ready to fill your life with JOY, purpose and contentment.

✔ You’re ready for an upheaval, uprising and overhaul of your mind, body and soul.



In Self-love School you will:

✔ Learn the simple yet actionable steps to making daily changes that add up to the life you always wanted.

✔ Create a winning mindset in health and wellbeing and, ultimately, life.

✔ Learn the difference between self-care and self-love.

✔ Discover the mindset for financial success & abundance.

✔ Optimise and manage your time to get the most out of life.

✔ Understand the difference between nourishment and punishment.

✔ Collaborate with other souls to support your learning journey and beyond.

✔ Find yourself a Sisterhood and new best friends.

✔ Learn how to love yourself fiercely – unconditionally – forever.


"If I asked you to name all of the things that you love? How long would it take for you to name yourself" ..


FOUNDER OF SELF-LOVE SCHOOL, & I’m here to make sure you name yourself FIRST.

Hey Beautiful, if you’ve read this far then you may like to learn a little more about me, the Founder, Writer and Creator behind Self-love School.

My journey in Self-Love and the embodiment of the teachings behind Self-Love School began a decade ago now the very night I hit rock bottom.

I had a shocking & debilitating diagnosis of severe anxiety which manifested in several panic attacks a day & I was given 1 choice by the medical profession. 2 types of medication & sent home to medicate and mask.

So I created my own option 2. Taking a look at my life and taking 100% responsibility.

I knew I was at my rock bottom because of all of the habits that stemmed out hating myself, and so, I asked, what would it look like if I loved myself instead?

The very next day my Self-Love journey began. A face mask and bubble bath and mantras didn’t save me.

Identifying as a woman who truly did love herself unconditionally saved me and asking myself what that would look like habit wise every day began the path to a completely and wildly healed and thriving life.

That was 10 years ago now, and for the last decade I have embodied the ethos I teach in the Self-Love School; Thinking, Moving, Eating, Speaking, Earning and Self-Caring like you love yourself.

Today I am a woman who loves herself unconditionally and thrives in all areas of my life; physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually and in my relationships; and I want to help you do the same.

This is about YOUR story now. I’m here to help you write (or rewrite) your own.

My mission in life is to help women THRIVE in all areas of their life and to step in to their true power & potency.

That’s why I developed Self-love School.

It has everything you need to be able to come back to YOU.

Because that’s what I want, in my heart of hearts. I want you to genuinely love yourself.

I created Self-love School to change the lives of women who know they’re worthy of more. And I’m with you all the way.

Love wholeheartedly, Anna xx

Is it time to become the ultimate YOU?