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Speak Like You Love Yourself Module


"And If I asked you to list all the things you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself?"



What is the Speaking like you Love Yourself Module?


Speak like you Love yourself is one part, also known as one module, that is the magic & transformative program of Self-Love School.

Self-Love School is an 8 week online program for women who are ready to re-claim ALL of themselves, teaching them confidence & helping women remember their courage to re-inspire them to step up, speak out and show up and live in-to their ultimate purpose in life…

Being YOU. In full unapologetic bright Technicolour.

It’s the space you learn to claim your brilliance in all its radiance.

HOWEVER, I started to become aware that women needed some of the modules separately, that not all women could wait for the 3 intakes a year 

So I took it to YOU. The woman who was asking me for some of the modules separately and asked what you most needed in the 'space in between'.

And you answered, with Speak like you Love yourself as one of the main ones. So here it is.

Why? Because I know when I do that, the world will be changed

So $199 makes this work


  more accessible to 


 more woman.


And I trust if this work is right for you, the price will feel right for you too.




Yep. Just $199.  

Let's talk about this for a minute because this module alone is worth hundreds more. 

Self-Love School (& now opening up modules individually) is my soul's work, & when determining price, I leaned into WHY I am starting this course & releasing this work. 


I want to impact millions of women globally, I want to teach millions of women to remember their magic, power & potency and to love themselves so unconditionally there mere presence in a room teaches everyone around that woman how to treat her (because of how beautifully she treats herself).

A module of helping you: 

Dive deep on learning about the Emotional Guidance System and learning how no emotion / feeling is bad. ALL emotions want and in fact need to be felt, but you are in control of them.


From there teaching you how to scale up the emotional guidance scale whenever you choose to access your birthright of joy, happiness & gratitude.


Learning how your natural state is joy & abundance & well-being and how to cultivate your thoughts to that state so the words you speak over your life allow more of that in.


Creating identity based habits around speaking life & power over your life.



 I need you to understand this and understand this right to your very core.

You are Love.

You always have been, you always will be.

You were created in brilliance, for brilliance.


When you were born that is who you were. Love. The essence of love. And as you grew into an innocent child you maintained that essence of love. Flowers overwhelmed you with joy. Bubbles could entertain you for hours until your belly ached from laughter. You were the most present, loving, divine being on earth.


Until .. you weren’t.


Until society and parents and religion and hurt and heartbreak and peers and colleagues and friends and family told us all of the ways and things we should be, forcing us to put on mask after mask, taking us away from our true purpose, taking us away from who we really are..


which is love.

“With all my heart I recommend jumping into Self-love School. Through every week, every module, speak things you never thought you could (but really you could). Fear may try to hold you back but with the support of Anna and your “school mates” you will push yourself and breakthroughs will happen. If you are thinking about it, do it! Do it for you!”


“Self-love school helped me to reset and come back to LOVE! After having my 2 beautiful children I completely lost myself I put myself last, and COVID has not helped the situation. But it’s brought so many things to the surface that I needed to face and work through! This course has literally changed my life and I will be forever grateful to Anna!” 


Your job is to remember that brilliance. Your job is to tap back into that infinite source that is within every single one of us which is unconditional love.


Happiness isn’t ‘out there’. It’s within.


Loving ourselves doesn’t come from any external ‘thing’. It always has been and always will be within.


To SPEAK like you Love yourself is to speak existential joy & abundance & grace over yourself and life. All the things that you were born worthy of JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE.

To SPEAK like you Love yourself is to have automatic loving thoughts about yourself in all ways.

To SPEAK like you Love yourself is to understand we are here to FEEL IT ALL. That no emotion is a bad emotion and to start to acknowledge and heal all emotions trapped in our magnificent bodies so we can start to speak our truth more with courage and boldness.

To SPEAK like you Love yourself is to live in gratitude, to feel gratitude & to speak gratitude daily.


Speaking like you Love yourself Module is to here to help ingrain into you, until it pulses through your body like life giving blood itself, the importance and automatic habit of giving thanks and being grateful. WHY?


Because you are a lightworker.

A walking miracle;

A wild manifester of your dream life.


You just have to remember this as your innate truth to start to LIVE that truth more powerfully.

Love in your mind, produces love in your life (in all ways). THIS is heaven on earth.


To think love, feel love, SPEAK love.


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Speak to yourself like you would to someone you love. 

Speaking like you love yourself is not spiritual bypassing, nor is it toxic positivity either. It’s recognising that the vibration of love, and joy & gratitude & freedom and happiness is available to us 100% of the time our entire life, and we just need the tools to FEEL whatever it is our bodies are feeling, but spiral back up into those emotions when we desire.





I say in Self-Love School to, that your mind & soul are incapable of peace & finding purpose when your body is battling for survival. That includes, absolutely includes your emotional peace.

My mission with Speak like you Love Yourself is to help you find that peace in your mind and therefore words & empower you to go from surviving to thriving. 

You’ll be provided the essential tools through the 50 minute long video coaching from me, alongside a powerful, comprehensive and action based workbook which lays out what you need to do to take back control of your emotional and mental state.


This is a course like no other I’ve ever done before. Transformations & life changing doesn’t even begin to describe my last 8 weeks. It’s how it’s broken down in to week by week that builds on to the next. I felt empowered & in charge every single day knowing the work to be focused on for myself, which has turned in to my new life long (life changing) habits.”


“I have found peace in ways I didn’t think was possible. I have been able to deconstruct my old stories, let them go and have created space for new ones that already are serving me better. Self-Love School has honestly changed my life and from the bottom of my heart I will be forever grateful. Thank you Anna!!”


The modules are truly life changing, even if you think you know about the topicsI guarantee you will learn things that will change your life! 

I have such a better mindset with every aspect of my life, I TRULEY + HONESTLY am proud to say, I am now a woman who unconditionally LOVES herself. 


Self-love school was my GPS to embodiment. The hardest part about imitating a transformation is knowing where to start. Surrendering to the “how-to
 method of SLS removed all the overthinking and gave me the framework and freedom to discover who I want to be - and love her unconditionally. 


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