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Think Like You Love Yourself Module


“Never forget your real identity. You are a luminous cosmic stardust being forged into the crucible of cosmic fire”. – Deepak Chopra.


You, my love, are simply worthy. Just because of who. You. Are.


At some point in your life, you forgot one of the most important things you were never meant to forget. And that is how inherently worthy you are, just because of WHO YOU ARE, not because of what you do.


What is the Thinking like you Love Yourself Module?

Think like you Love yourself is one part, also known as one module, that is the magic & transformative program of Self-Love School.

Self-Love School is an 8 week online program for women who are ready to re-claim ALL of themselves, teaching them confidence & helping women remember their courage to re-inspire them to step up, speak out and show up and live in-to their ultimate purpose in life…

Being YOU. In full unapologetic bright Technicolour.

A module of helping you:

Truly once and for all, forgive yourself. Until you’re healed of your internal demons, those fearful mental habits which have held you back for as long as they have, I can’t get you into the space to move forward. So this is the week we do some powerful forgiveness practices to release the past once and for all.
 Once you have released what might hold you back, it’s then all about creating the new story of how worthy you are & the life you are READY to live. We go deep on crafting and creating the life you dream of creating.


Creating affirmations that will become your new mindset to work on DAILY until they become your REALITY.


  • And more…It’s the space you learn to claim your brilliance in all its radiance.

HOWEVER, I started to become aware that women needed some of the modules separately, that not all women could wait for the 3 intakes a year 

So I took it to YOU. The woman who was asking me for some of the modules separately and asked what you most needed in the 'space in between'.

And you answered, with Think like you Love yourself as one of the main ones. So here it is.


What Is Your Investment?


Yep. Just $199.

Let's talk about this for a minute because this module alone is worth hundreds more. 

Self-Love School (& now opening up modules individually) is my soul's work, & when determining price, I leaned into WHY I am starting this course & releasing this work. 

I want to impact millions of women globally, I want to teach millions of women to remember their magic, power & potency and to love themselves so unconditionally there mere presence in a room teaches everyone around that woman how to treat her (because of how beautifully she treats herself).

Why? Because I know when I do that, the world will be changed.

So $199 makes this work FAR more accessible to FAR more women.

And I trust if this work is right for you, the price will feel right for you too.

I'm ready to begin

Cristel Lucas 


Self-love School helped me to reset and come to LOVE! After having my 2 beautiful children I completely lost myself, I put myself last, and COVID has not helped the situation. But it’s brought so many things to the surface that I needed to face and work through! This course has literally changed my life and I will be forever grateful to Anna. 

Shelby Grant

Self love school changed me. It changed the way I live my life in every aspect, and it also allowed me to unforced me and expose all the power I have in me. Thank you Anna, from the bottom of my heart, for helping me grow, for helping me love myself like I never knew I could. Because this is exactly what I needed, because this is exactly what I needed, because I AM worthy of having it all.

  • Your bank account doesn’t make you worthy.
  • Your accolades don’t make you worthy.
  • The car you drive & the house you live in, doesn’t either.
  • The amount of figures in a month you have for a launch, nor how many clients you land.

Here is what I know to be true.

"You my love are simply worthy, just because of who you are".

 But I'm here to tell you,

If you believe life is hard and unfair - then that is your experience.

If you believe that staying fit and healthy is a struggle and a grind - then that is your experience.

If you believe life is a gift and full of enchantment - then that is your experience.

If you believe that staying fit and healthy year round is easy and fun - then that is your experience.

If you believe that your biography is your biology and that life is unjust and unfair - then that is your experience.

If you believe that you control your mind which controls your cells which controls your being, and that life is a gift and phenomenal - then that is your experience.

My point, is what you EXPECT... you GET. Period.

So how do we change that I hear you ask?



Our results all stem around emotions.

EVERYTHING. You want to look at your results? Look at your emotions.

  • First, you have an emotion, and that emotion turns into a THOUGHT. Our thoughts then turn in to our actions, and our actions turn into our results.

  • So what if you can start to understand your emotions (we go over that comprehensively in speak like you love yourself), and then start to understand just how not only in control of your thoughts you are, but how to control them for the magic you deserve to make manifest & feel and see in your life?
  • Your words become your WORLD, but your words first stem from thoughts, if we can remember the power we have always had to THINK existence and joy & gratitude over our life – then you can begin to craft the masterpiece of a life you deserve.

Think like you love yourself is the work to take back control of your thoughts and use them to raise you & your entire life up, instead of being at war with your mind.

Since starting this course I can’t even tell you the breakthroughs I have had. Think and Eat like you love yourself we’re 2 life changing weeks for me. My inner dialogue is incredible! My body and mind communicate with each other other like best friends and writing my letter of forgiveness was one of the most profound moments of my life. Self-Love School provided the container for me to grow into the woman I always knew I was born to be, & I’ll be forever grateful I said yes. 

Siena Johnstone 

I have come to realise that the woman I have become is the woman I needed when I was in adolescence. Every moment of Self Love School created space in my life for daily practices that I never knew I was missing. Self love is about so much more than a #selflovesunday it’s about living every moment of your life intentionally. Anna has created a space for woman to truely find themselves and the lives they want to live, in a beautiful supportive way. I fell in love with myself and I will never stop loving me. 

Millie Harriman 

I'm ready to join for $199